5 Quick Winter Skin Care Survival Tips to Look & Feel Beautiful
1. Think Beautifully! Our attitude towards life is reflected in our face for all to see. Our attitudes are reflections of our beliefs. And our beliefs are created by the thoughts we have repeated throughout our lives.
Nothing is more beautiful on a woman than a smile!
Winter Skin Care Affirmations:
I am beautiful in mind, body and spirit.
I am beautiful inside and out.
I am beautiful when I am positive
2. Choose your skin care carefully! Choose products (like our Ageless Face Care) that are organic, plant based and lovingly handmade WITHOUT the use of petroleum, parabens, silicones, synthetic preservatives, artificial fragrances, or GMOs.
3. Wash in lukewarm water. Extra hot showers may strip oils from the skin.
4. Moisturize immediately after washing and toning. You need hydration (water and fluids) and moisture (oils and butters) to have properly nourished skin in the winter.
5. Humidify your internal and external environment. Drink lots of purified water and add a humidifier to your home. Hydration is extremely important!
Remember: Our radiant glow is in direct proportion to the care we take of ourmind and body!